Thursday, October 31, 2013

2013 Annual Meeting - "We Need Bibles!"

One of the many quotes from the meeting that will be remembered for a long time I think! Not to mention "Sister Proof" lol. 

That was certainly a historic and monumental meeting and we were so glad that everyone was able to enjoy it! We viewed the feed from the Patterson Auditorium, but when they were passing out the bibles we figured they would only be available at the Stanley theatre. We heard that most had the same reaction initially, what a surprise new release! Our thoughts quickly went to the friends in Guyana, since we knew they were tied in to the program, but since literature takes sooo long to get there we never imagined that the new bible would be distributed there too! But we called my sister Michelle in Guyana that evening, and she happily declared that she was reading her new bible! Apparently the bibles were delivered to a missionary home under cover of darkness so as to keep it confidential. We spoke to a brother from the Art department who worked on some of the illustrations in the new bible and he was also amazed that they could get them all shipped out so quickly since he only completed his work on the illustrations about a month prior. 

Our reaction to the new Bible was sheer amazement! We knew there would have to be some kind of revisions being made, especially with the long build up, and hints from all the previous talks on the program. But we had no idea there would be so many revisions not to mention all the extra features! One sister even said that if we are ever under ban and all our literature is taken away, we will still be just fine with "only our bibles" Truly we are "completely equipped".

Some were very excited!

After the bibles were distributed and they explained some of the new features, we were again blown away by the new JW Library Ap! When the curtain first opened and they had all the pads and computers lined up I was thinking, "Hey I didn't know Steve Jobs was working with WT???" Didn't he look just like him? Especially with the headset and all the tech on the table.

It's so cool to be part of such an up to date and professional organization!

Gilead Goulash 

Since most everyone was able to be tied into the program I won't go into detail about the parts of course, but we did have a great time after the program with the Fortuna's and a few other friends that they invited over. The Fortuna's always like to have a gathering after the Annual meeting and invite ones that are visiting the branch alone or don't have a group. They always make the same dish and they call it "Gilead Goulash", they used to call it "Annual Meeting Goulash" but Tim said that didn't roll off the tongue quite as well. =)

The first couple we met were Pioneers in the Italian congregation, which has a lot of need in NY. They've both been serving there for about ten years and they are loving it!

The second couple we met were recent Gilead Graduates from England. They were serving at the London Branch for some years when they were invited to attend Gilead. Most of the Graduates have been assigned back to where they were, like the traveling work, or full time service at a Bethel branch. The couple we met though were being re-assigned to the Cameroon Bethel Branch in Africa! So apparently you still can't really say for sure where you will end up after Gilead.

Audio / Video Displays 

After eating we all went up the AV Department of Bethel to look at some special displays. They set up a really nice display for both the "Prodigal" Video and the "Caleb" Videos! There were even parts where you could pose and pretend like you were in the movie! Speaking of the Prodigal Video, Tim mentioned that most of the cast were workers right there at Patterson, and after walking around we started to see a lot of them! My first inclination was to go up to them and get a picture but of course we didn't since it would really embarrass them. But we did get to meet the Couple who played David's parents. They were very friendly and told us how they even did Traveling work in Oregon for some years but not in the Portland area.

Sound Recording Studio

Caleb! You're a Real Boy!

A series of boards explaining how the Caleb Animation works. =)
Apparently they are working on Caleb the Ride....
The Car from the Police Chase in "the Prodigal"
The even mounted cameras to the car to get those awesome shots!
Super Professional!

Bad News Al? ... Meet Bad News Mike!
Art Displays 

After that we went down to the art department which had several amazing displays from recent projects and videos that have been put on the JW Website! 

The first was a white board which they used to make the video about "Beat a Bully without your Fists" and "What's a Real Friend?". They showed how the Artist would draw the entire picture and while being recorded and then they would speed up parts, and add animation later. 
There were many actors in costume around the department also who you could pose with and even try on some of the outfits. We had a lot of fun pretending to be bible characters.... Maybe a little too much fun? 

We also saw an amazing new device that the Organization has been using to get the aerial shots of the new Warwick project. You know how the recent videos on the website look so professional and hi-tech? Well this flying camera has made a big difference in capturing scenes and angles that would be impossible otherwise. So the next time you watch, look for flying video shots and remember what made them possible!

You know how in a lot of movies there are scenes where the person looks like they are flying in space, or underwater or with an alien planet in the back ground. Well in the next display we saw the "green screen" which helps to make this possible. But instead of adding space or planets they can also add a barren dessert, or maybe a view of an ancient city in the background to make the scene look more real. An example of this is in the Video "Walk by Faith, not by Sight". So while the person is in costume they act out their part in front of the "green screen" and afterward the brothers can remove the green and add whatever desired background they like! Cool huh? 

 Lastly we saw the rooms where the actors get their costumes, makeup and beards put on. Did you think the brothers just grew their beards out? Not likely, instead the costume hair gets pasted to their face, and then is trimmed just like real hair. And in some cases they have to put on a mask first to make their skin look old, parched, or even bloody!


It was a very eventful day, and one we will never forget, but the fun wasn't completely over yet! We still had the privilege to join the Bethel family for the Watchtower study on Monday. Plus we were right in time for a Special Lecture after the WT study by Brother Jackson of the Governing body. So stay tuned for our next post!


  1. This was, as always, a very cool and exciting post! I'm so happy you guys got such a cool experience while on vacation from Guyana! I can't wait until we see you again. In the past its been mildly awkward to see each other at conventions because I hadn't read your blog. Now, not only have I read it, I've been taking notes and saving questions, applying counsel and recommending others follow your adventures in pure worship on the blog and reach out more in real life. Jehovah is using you in a mighty way! I'm privileged to call you both my friends.

  2. Emilee, your comments are so kind but since your last name is not included we do not know who you are! You mention you have met us at convention? Please feel free to email us (email is in our profile). Thank you!
