Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Another Trip to Lethem!

So here’s a Rundown of our recent trip into Lethem. In case you are thinking, “Whats Lethem??” … Well it’s basically a hub for most activity in the interior of Guyana right on the border of Brazil. If you would like more details, you can check out this older post by clicking HERE.
Anyway, we left from Georgetown at 9:30 pm. It’s a 14 hour bus ride through the jungle of Guyana to Lethem. There were 10 in our group from Berbice.
While waiting for the bus to arrive, we ordered a pizza! Which is a really big treat for us who live out in the country!

- - Michelle was pretty Excited - -

- - I was just really Hungry - -

At 4am we finally crossed the Esequibo River. Tired but it was great to see the Sun!

We arrived in Lethem at about Noon, and I kid you not, we were at the Ice Cream shop by about One that afternoon. Priorities are everything right? I think we all just had the idea of cool, homemade Ice cream in our minds for so long, why wait?!

There were quite a few places to choose from for lodging but we chose this nice Inn called the ORI Guest house, or Pat’s place. Its one of the newest Inns in Lethem and so was very clean. Plus the grounds were gorgeous!

- - Gazebo where we would eat our meals - -

- - Patio Area where we would enjoy Breakfast - -

On Thursday we attended the meeting. There is a small congregation of about 30 publishers in Lethem but they average over 100 in attendance at Sunday meeting. There are currently 9 need greater’s in the congregation, but since many are coming and going, there’s still definitely a need. It happened to be the visit of the CO, Brother Rainee so we got to hear a great talk called “Tired but not Tiring out”. If you’ve heard this talk before you know that its incredibly refreshing to hear, since all of us get tired. Its normal, even expected that we will get tired, really its if we are not tired that there may be a problem.

Brother Rainee mentioned the account of Gideon and his 300 Men. How these few men had the task of chasing after and annihilating over 100 thousand men! This would have taken incredible exertion and work, yet as Judges 8:4 said they were “tired but keeping up the pursuit”. Our lives may not involve warfare but we are in a fight nevertheless.

We also appreciated an analysis of Isaiah 40:27-32. In Verse 27 Israel is quoted as thinking that “My way has been concealed from Jehovah, and justice to me eludes my God himself’?” The Israelites got to the point where they thought even Jehovah couldn’t help or save them. Yet this thinking is obviously foolish, as we read verse 28, Isaiah’s tone is almost sarcastic… “Have you not come to know or have you not heard? Jehovah, the Creator of the extremities of the earth, is a God to time indefinite. He does not tire out or grow weary… He is giving to the tired one power… those who are hoping in Jehovah will regain power. They will mount up with wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary; they will walk and not tire out”. Sometimes we may forget that nothing is beyond Jehovah’s power to fix or resolve, whether its money matters, work, family or health problems. But its up to us to allow him to help us. The primary way we do so is keeping up our spiritual routine, no matter what difficulty comes our way. Although everything and everyone else in life could fail us, if we fully put our lives in Jehovah’s hands we can never fail or tire out.

- - The small KH was packed full! - -

- - Shannon and Rosalea Rainee - -

- - In Guyana we all Point with our Pinky finger - -

- - the Zammats are one of the Faithful Families in Lethem - -

After the meeting a group of us went to “the Brazilian” for dinner. The meals consisted of Chicken, Beef or Pork BBQ Skewers with Beans rice or noodles. Personally I think the Beans made the dish.

- - Tasty!! - -

The Ministry that week consisted primarily of the invitation work for the SAD. The brothers made up some small flyers and we helped to distribute them all over Lethem!

- - From left to right: David and Anne Spencer from Lethem, Elizabeth Adolf from Lethem, Javin (next to Mike) from England, Chris and Naomi Hayes from Brighton, Berbice, originally from England.

- - Jonathan was so happy to be in Service! - -

- - CO’s wife, Rosalia Rainee witnessing to a family passing by on a bicycle - -

- - Leah Lopez and Micaiah Young Witnessing - -


  1. Amazing! Love all the pics. Especially the ones depicting your eating pleasures.

  2. What a great read and pictures!! I wish I could fly down there and join you!! You are fortunate to be living such a wonderful experience. How great knowing it will be like this for all of us one day! Keep up the good work...

  3. I so enjoyed this latest post and appreciate you sharing it with us. We just got back from a cruise that took us through the Panama Canal and to several stops at different islands. I thought about you there, when we were in all of that heat and humidity. I hope you can handle it better than I did. : ) Beautiful areas though and glad I was able to go.

    You all look so happy there and I love the pictures you include with your posts.

    Much love to you all,

  4. Hello! We are your brother and sister from California. We just found your blog and are enjoying it immensely! In August (hopefully) we are headed to Nicaragua to do need-greater work, but Guyana was another country we were seriously considering. It's nice to see what a great job you are doing and all your good experiences. May Jehovah continue to bless all your hard work! :)
    Aggidio and JoAnn Lauria

  5. Love the pictures What a beautiful experience Thanks for sharing

  6. Hi! We enjoyed the Guyanese phrase of the week, Ill have to say it to Gloria and see what she says. Nice pic. of the Zammats family. And soo funny of you all so hungry for icecream, and pizza. Happy you were able to enjoy yourselves there!

  7. Great review of your village trip. So rewarding to do Jehovah's work. I will pray for Festas and Matilda-they are our reward thanks to your efforts. I think the very different eating would be harder to adjust to than the heat and humidity. Your all are to be commended for your ever-contributing efforts toward these friendy amer-indians. I know your day-today service is much harder than you report-only the highlights are shared here. But the true rewards are the day to day achievements you accomplish and I know only a taste of your satisyfing rewards from Jehovah. Take care of "my" Shelley and I will pray that jehovah continues to bless you and reward you and our fellow servants in Guyana. All my Love, Mom

  8. AWWW I LOVE YOU BLOG. I am a sister from florida. I want to go to guyana now!! I just got back from a month in Limon, CR. The ministry was amazing there too!

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