Friday, August 7, 2009

A Sunday Experience

Sunday Meeting

Hey Everyone! Thanks again for your wonderful and loving Comments, Its great to hear from home. Just FYI if you were wondering, we do get an email for every comment posted so its kind of like getting an email from you too! =)

We had an interesting experience just this last Sunday Meeting (August 2nd). Tom and Michelle went going to another congregation for a talk out so they wouldn’t be at the meeting that day, which didn’t seem like a big deal at first. We took a taxi to the meeting that day, and arrived in good time, but of course when we got there people were waiting outside the building since no one had a key to open the door. I had no key at this point since its very difficult to make copies of keys here. They have no blank keys like in stores here so they have to find used keys that are close in size and meticulously file them until they somewhat match the original. Then with that key you have to go to the lock and by trial and error continue to file the rest yourself until it works. Needless to say it’s a long process.
So anyway were waiting outside with about 20 people, hoping the One other brother with keys will arrive to open the door. Thankfully he does arrive, but, of course he forgot his key! The brother felt so bad about it he wouldn’t even come inside the gates but just stayed out at the road until I went over and talked with him. Our Only Option was to have one of our younger brothers take a taxi back to the elder’s house, get the key, and come back. Which the brother quickly and willingly did. In the meantime more people are starting to come and wait outside the hall. Keep in Mind we are all dressed up in hot humid weather outside the hall with the mosquitoes =(. At about ten o’clock when meeting is supposed to start there were about 50 people outside waiting with more on the way. Not to mention through all of this I am looking for our visiting speaker who is supposed to give the talk, but is of course running late. If he doesn’t show I was the back up speaker, to give my one outline again, which I already gave the previous week. So I’m getting nervous too, and have no idea what to do. Our one other Elder who forgot his key says we should start the meeting outside so we wait another ten minutes and decide to go ahead. Unfortunately he is severely crippled and cannot stand for long, so it was up to me to get the meeting started out in front of the building in the hot sun. So I said a quick prayer, and tried to get things started with the song. But of course, no one knew how the song went! I couldn’t remember for the life of me, so Lara suggested to sing one that we did know. So we picked #15 “Life without end at last” and everyone sang it perfectly! It was quite touching to hear actually. About this time the speaker arrived finally but I told him over the crowd that we could just do the WT first that way after we got inside everyone could enjoy the part more. I conducted the first five paragraphs outside standing just in front of the hall, and I was again surprised by the great participation and cooperation of everyone. This was obviously not the first time this had happened to them, and probably not as big of a deal for them as for us. Tom later informed us that when this congregation was started they actually did meet outside. Here’ a Pic of the Hall. Note the Nice Mosquitoe breeding pools out front, hah!

To make the story short, the young brother arrived with the key around 10:30 so I dismissed them to go inside. Everyone went quickly inside, found seats, sat down and waited quietly to continue. I was so impressed again at how quickly they did so that I thanked them repeatedly for their patience and cooperation and then continued the WT Study.
All in all Lara and I were very impressed and touched by the whole situation and can really see that the congregation is very sheep like, willing to be led and wiling to adjust. There have been a number of discouragements recently though, so some are struggling. Tom has said that Satan has been trying hard to discourage this congregation by attacking it directly and attacking the need-greaters who come to help. But I would say that the over all attitude is positive and things are steadily improving.

We are very glad we came when we did as just before, two Elders with wives had left back home to save up money and another MS has recently been removed. So right now Tom and I are just about it. As with most other places in the world, there is a huge need for brothers in Guyana, especially ones willing to serve. It may sound like a burden and a lot of work but it’s an amazing feeling to serve in a congregation that really needs help. There’s nothing like using your abilities solely for Jehovah, and it doesn’t take much training to help. When it comes to any kind of organization, its pretty much unheard of here. Even basic things like how to File Papers have not been used since the congregation started. So this congregation and many others need help not just spiritually or in the Ministry, but in Practical ways too.

Thankfully our other Two Elders are coming back around the end of this month so Tom and I will get a huge break then. One is coming from England and I think the other one is from the states. Tom says they have been a critical part of helping this congregation to get back on track.

So I thought I would just share a few thoughts from a Brothers point of View, hope I didn’t bore you too badly, hah! We miss everyone very much and are always looking forward to hearing from you. I’ve included a few Pix following this of some quirky Guyana things. Enjoy!


"Take it!, Care it!" - Brian Regan

Yes its just as sweet as it sounds. This is one of the many super sweet drinks everyone loves here in Guyana.

This one's for Vince Romans, Only guys can use our Gas! Guy Oil!

For all you Starbucks Lovers, Come on down and Enjoy Our Quaint Internet Cafe!


  1. Hello everyone, Ienjoyed you experience you had on Sun. It made me think of our lesson for tomorrow, and how you said how the friends quickly obeyed directions so sheeplike. It was very touching. Im sure there will be more,and different compared to here that you will experience. Really enjoyed all the pictures,happy your having fun too. Hop all continues to go well. Love mom.

  2. Michael,
    It's so nice to hear about the Guyana experience from your perspective. I can just see you standing outside the Kingdom Hall in the heat realizing that you might be it for the day. I like the comment you made about how really sheeplike the congregation is, ready to be lead. We can learn a lot from them, as we take so many thing for granted. I hope we will do better from hearing about it! Thank you for sharing this experience with us. We all miss having you and Lara here with us but happy that Jehovah is blessing you with such rich experiences.
    Love to all of you. Gwen Grice

  3. Guy Oil... Why didn't I think of that? Ingenious!

  4. Hi GUYS! So fun to see your life! We just got back from camping and thought about you.. wished you were there.

    My heart was pounding reading that account of the kingdom hall fiasco! Reminded me of our own funny mishap last week at out hall, the brother who had mid song announcements announced same song as first, so we sang it back to back.. then last brother announce SAME song again.. he was joking, but it was super funny!

    It's so amazing how Jehovah's people respond so well when "surprises" happen, we just kind of roll with it all... sounds like the friends in your congregation are just so thankful to be at meeting, they probably love that you two are so zealous and responsible.

    I wish out circumstances were different, my heart says... "go help in Guyana", my mind says, "silly, your life is too complicated, now is not the time"
    So please know that your experiences are that motivating and I am sure some who read this blog will feel moved to explore that option, I hope you get more help soon, the field sounds so ripe!

    last week record weather 107 highs, made service for the pioneers who are behind on their time very daunting... I feel for you if you are in a constant state of heat... it's so draining!!

    Keep up your great work and stay healthy! Love Makris Family!

  5. Mike and Lara ! Soooooo we can see you are getting settled in and that things are going as planned how wonderful.I am sure the experiences are enriching you in ways you never thought. Allison just got back from the international convention in Paris and was so motivated by her experiences , she is going to start regular pioneering in Sept.Also April is going to either reg or reg aux. so that makes three more since Hermicar is also. Maybe me too, reg aux that is. So for now , sleep tight and dont let the parasites or amoebas. Much Love Ernie and Anita
