Monday, July 13, 2009

Ministry and Daily Activities- Guyana Style

Oh my word! I wish so much that I could make a long video of everything we are experiencing here but its not possible. Everything is so foreign and strange its quite overwhelming! Oh and by the way, "creolise" is quite difficult to understand. Some people depending on where in Guyana they are from have a stronger accent. If they speak slowly to us then we can understand a little better. Some examples of words they use: Instead of saying, "will you come pick it up", it will be "come collect it". Or instead of "come back soon" they say "Come Steady", and they dont say "Garbage" its "Rubbish Here. lol!

As you may quess its hot and very muggy. Lots of dirt and bugs. However, the ministry would blow your mind. They people LOVE the Bible. Most we meet have never heard of Jehovah's Witnesses or even of Jehovah. All you have to do is ask them something like, "have you ever wondered why God allows so much suffering?" They are sincere in a desire to know why. Read them a couple scriptures and they accept it and appreciate it, want to know more. They are much like children w/humble interest.

Below is a pic is of Michelle talking w/an east indian family. The way the entire family gathers around to listen is very typical for here.

Another pic is of a man that cut some green coconuts off a tree, cut the top off and we drank the juice directly from it using straws. Lots of electrolytes. Very refreshing. The same family gave us a very tasty dish of beans, rice, fish, and spices. In case you are wondering, if its cooked it's usually safe to eat. They also sent us home w/quite a few vegetables that we had never heard of and instructions on how to cook them. Super nice family. They are Hindu and enjoy reading the Watchtower and Awake magazines but they are not studying the Bible yet.

Many daily activities that we don't normally give much thought to like cooking, cleaning, washing clothes, or even brushing your teeth, take on a whole new meaning here. For the first time ever I washed clothes by hand and hung them on a line. I have a feeling I will get buff. Its very hard work and takes a long time.

We are getting organized and establishing a routine which helps a lot. Michelle and Tom and us agreed on handling things like a missionary home. Cleaning and cooking duties are rotated, morning worship is done early in the morning, etc. It is an incredible learning experience.

The next 3 days we are scheduled for a first super long days in the ministry. We are very excited!
We are very encouraged by all your posts. It reminds us of our home and all our loved ones- very comforting.



  1. Hi! Wow! I'm so jealous :) what an awesome reception, everyone sounds so humble and teachable, I want to come now and experience that!
    that picture of the family is so great, I am sure they appreciate the fact that you came so far to live in their country for the purpose of teaching them, that has to have such a impact!
    How cool to have Tom & Michelle leading the way, you get to experience the missionary service with such seasoned missionaries, how could anything go wrong, that must ease so much anxiety, it really shows by the way, you both look SO relaxed, glad to come home and share with you this great
    experience, its as close as some of us will ever get to foreign preaching!
    until next time! Love Kimberly

  2. Must really be refreshing!! I'll try to live vicariously through you when I'm at the doors here listening to "I'm satisfied, got my own religions, not interested, don't believe in God, don't believe in the Bible, Not a Jehovah Witness, Too busy to talk, got my on literature; don't need yours, you don't believe in Jesus" and on and on and on..........

  3. That is so awesome. way different from our territory here where people don't want to know anything! This is so exciting to read. Happy for you guys!

  4. Wonderful, wonderful experiences and you are just beginning. I'm so anxious to hear more. I just imagine you actually find people at home there, which would be quite an experience in intself.

    Sending you much love.
