Monday, July 27, 2009

The Market

On Fridays Michelle and I go to the Market. It’s about 25 minutes from us in a village called Rosehall. There are small grocery stores to get canned and packaged food. But for any fruits, vegetables, or meat we need to go to the open air market.

Here is the meat market. And yes, that is a pig head. We don’t eat the pork here.

This is the woman we get our chicken from every week. They keep the live chickens outside and slaughter then as needed. To be honest, the first couple times we came here it was pretty traumatic for me. But to the locals, animals are food, nothing more. And food needs to be fresh or it can be contaminated

Here is the produce section. As you might imagine, there are a lot of fruits and vegetables. Above is also one of our favorite fruits. It called Sour Sop here. Its a dark green w/bumps on the outside. The inside is white w/black seeds. Texture is soft and gooey. The flavor is sour/sweet. Sort of like a pinapple. Our other favorite fruit is Ginup. It’s grass green and grows in clusters like grapes only a little larger than grapes. You pop the thick skin off to find a pink inside that is similar to a very sweet grapefruit. If it’s ripe it almost melts in your mouth. It has a very large seed in the middle that they use to make as jewelry.

The picture is dark but it will give you an idea of how much informal witnessing we do here. This woman took the magazines but wasn’t super interested. Michelle and many return visits in the market where they will listen to Bible verses and are open to discussion.

This is a very common thing to see here. Donkeys and horses are used to pull wagons containing produce and just about anything else that can’t be fit in a car, on a scooter, or carried on foot.

1 comment:

  1. Lara I think your curtains are very cute the color will go with any thing. That would be really something to see all the meat spread out on the table like that what about the flies I didnt see any though. The rooms look very comfy, decorated very nice, and very clean. I know your happy to get the screans, by all means keep those creaters out! Well be waiting for the next blog. thanks so much for the conection, with your activities. We enjoy seeing all that your doing. until next time love Mom.
